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Could you provide advice/guidance on applying to your Masters and/or PhD program?

Instructions for applying to our programs can be found at this link.  Please solicit advice and/or guidance for applying from the contacts provided at these links.

I would like to be a Masters or PhD candidate in your research group. Are you accepting students?

I am always seeking exceptional graduate students to join my Image and Video Computing (IVC) Group. Please follow the instructions above to apply. In your application, please mention my name and your interest in joining my research group. Please do not email me asking me to assess admission chances.

I would like to be a post-doctoral fellow in your research group. Are you accepting individuals for this position?

Thank you for your interest.  However, I have no available post-doctoral positions at this time.

I am seeking a summer research internship. Can I have a position in your group?

Thank you for your interest.  I only provide summer research positions to students who are already members of my research group.

Can I be a part of your research group if I am not a student at University of Colorado Boulder?

Instructions for applying to our programs can be found at this link.  Please solicit advice and/or guidance for applying from the contacts provided at these links.

I would like to join your research group. Are you accepting students?

I am always seeking exceptional students to join my Image and Video Computing (IVC) Group. If you would like to join, please take one of my courses and then I will consider your application after completion of the course. Of note, I only offer paid positions to PhD students.  Non-PhD students are welcome to pursue independent studies or Master’s theses with my group.

I am on the waitlist for your course. Could you add me to your course?

Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, the answer is no. If you do not get off the waitlist this semester, please note that I plan to teach the course annually so please consider trying to register again next year.

I am on the waitlist for your course. How likely is it that I will be admitted to the class?

I do not know.  Every year students do drop from the courses I teach during the drop/add period, so seats do open up. Newly-available seats are allocated first to CS majors on the waitlist and then non-CS majors.

Can I audit your course?

Thank you for your interest. If you are a senior citizen or veteran, then you are eligible to audit my course. Otherwise, you must be a degree-seeking student.  In that case, you can enroll in the class for P/F or No Credit.

Can I enroll in one of your graduate-level courses as an undergraduate student?

Possibly; submit this online petition form and then approval will be assessed on a case-to-case basis.

Can I enroll in one of your graduate-level courses if I am not a CS graduate student?

Possibly; submit this online petition form and then approval will be assessed on a case-to-case basis.

I would like to support your course. Are you hiring students to contribute (e.g., as a TA)?

Thank you for your interest.  All hiring of course support is managed through the CS department.  Instructions for applying to open positions are at this link.  Please solicit advice and/or guidance for applying from the contacts provided at these links.  There is no need to contact me, as I will just redirect you to this link.

Could you provide advice about my research project?

I appreciate your confidence in my perspective. However, I receive many such requests and responding to them all for free would compromise my ability to support the many students in my Image and Video Computing group (i.e., typically 10-15 students) and taking my courses (i.e., typically greater than 100 per year). If you are a student committed to getting my perspective and/or conducting research with me, I recommend taking one of my courses or applying to our PhD program. Otherwise, the best way to get advice is by either providing funding to our research group or requesting consulting services (from myself or my students). I wish you all the best with your research endeavors.